Château Talk
When is a Château - not a Home, nor Disneyland?… Discuss!
aka - Château Shopping (no. 13)
Hello Bubalas! On todays show we have two special guests, and so many things to talk about. Our two adventuresome Cháteau Shoppers are here to fill you in on their hunt, and you are getting the first glimpse, (even before Oprah!) a sneak peek of Château de la Mudd-led. And all I can say is… Oh my Gawd!
Look at that! Seriously! look at it! and what a beautiful photograph. It is très obvious that the photographer is improving his skills. So dreamy and tranquil, so peaceful that I am now all verklempt!… Talk amongst yourselves!
Like Buttah!
Isn’t that gorgeous! Well viewers, all is not what it seems. A little bird whispered in my ear that this is the money shot and that France is in desperate need.
I am starting a campaign today, inviting all of the super gay interior designers to make haste to France. It appears that a great business opportunity awaits. I have been told that all you need is a fabulous sense of design, a quick on your toes, make it work work ethic, a good photographer, and a huge truck loaded with decent antiques, pieces for contemporary moments, great lighting, yards and yards of nice fabrics, and a lot of cleaning supplies! The Châteaux of France need you!
Simply dance from Château to Château, clean it, dress it, shoot it, reset it, and go on to the next, all for a reasonable amount of money, and they should be lining up for your services. The domain name - is available!
I am getting off track…
Château number 13, Château de la Mudd-led (not its real name), the last of the viewings in the north, is possibly a delight to some eyes, but I do not want to know those people! At the entrance were signs, lots and lots of signs, regarding hiring the castle as a wedding venue, or for seminars, but the main focus seems to be tours of the Château and it’s outbuildings. Historic tours, with each space dressed for its intended use (gulp). Well viewers let me tell you, after having seen the photographs, the happy Château Shoppers should have guessed what was coming. But they were so taken with the view over the moat that they were caught completely unaware. A wanna be Disneyland awaited just inside of the gates.
I have been told that there were some lovely moments, and some very interesting spaces and history. As well as a few friends to meet along the way that were not made of plastic.
Our fearless adventurers explored the outside and the inside, trying to look beyond the other guests that had been invited to the showing. From the medieval buildings to spaces below, as well as the courtyard begging for the staging of a Shakespearian play. Through the structure meant for hosting a seminar and then onto the Hammam which was built in such an cheaply modern style that in became difficult to continue looking at it.
At times inside the Castle there are visions of what could be. Hundreds and hundreds of years of human touch and human footfall slowly wearing away at the surfaces.
Dear readers, I have it direct from the source that the Château hunters have learned their lesson and have moved their search back to the south, and have shied away from the north.
And boy are we glad to hear it! I will leave you with this thought for today… If you are going to attempt to create a history lives tour in your French Castle, for gawds sake, bring in some good Jewish gay boys to at least make it pretty!!
Until next time… Mazel Tov!